Thursday, March 18, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Week

Do you have a favorite teacher or staff member who has gone above and beyond to help you in some way, someone who makes math class fun, someone who always has a smile on his or her face or someone who has really made a difference in your life? If you do, the Middle School PTS wants to hear about it! Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week is May 3 through May 7, and again this year we'd like to honor those teachers/staff for the great job they are doing. Here is what we need from you:
Write a paragraph telling us who the teacher/staff member is and why they are special to you! Remember to put your name on your work. Turn in your paragraph to the Main Office by Friday 04/23/10. The PTS will then pick 10 entries and read 2 of them each day at announcements May 3 through May 7. The students and teachers/staff members who are chosen each day will receive an apple. Those paragraphs, as well as the ones not chosen will be posted in the hallway for everyone to enjoy! This will be a great way to say thank you to your favorite teacher/staff member for a job well done!

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